Hello guy's, Welcome to my blog today i tell you how to get instagram private details with help termux app & how to install osi.ig tool termux 2022
git clone https://github.com/th3unkn0n/osi.ig
This is a Best Instagram Information gathering tool for termux With the assistance of which you can find the individual data of any instagram account on the web, it is basically intended to gather the data of Instagram which can be run with the assistance of Termux.
Installing OSI.IG Tool In Termux
As I said earlier that we’ll be using osi.ig tool to gather information about Instagram in our termux application. So for that first, we need to install osi.ig tool in Termux. Follow the commands given below to install osi.ig tool 👇🏻
Update the list of packages use command apt update
apt update
Install git and python using apt install git python command.apt install git python
Clone osi.ig tool in termux from GitHub using git clone command.Get inside osi.ig directory uisng cd command.
cd osi.ig
Now the only thing that we need to do before running the tool is to install all the dependencies that are required to run this tool in termux. You can use the below command to install all the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
EXAMPLE: python3 main.py -u ethiprince
This is an example of my private Instagram profile, you will get more info than this on other accounts.
Advanced Run:
If you want information about the profile as well are Posts then you can use the -p argument to get information about the posts. but it won't work if the account is private. it will give you a lot of data about the non-private profile. Just use the below command.
python3 main.py -u username -p
EXAMPLE: python3 main.py -u ethiprince -p
Youtube video link :- https://youtu.be/nt64MqFkH5w